Katrin König Installative Print Graphics


XXXI – V – MMXXIII, 270 x 350 cm, Collagraphy and varnish on PENTAPRINT PVC film, 2023

From true nature

„Katrin König’s large-format collagraphy impresses spontaneously due to their sheer size and unusual, eccentric form. Still, they also irritate some viewers unfamiliar with abstract art and art history in post-war Europe, especially the Informel movement.

The works of print art, which often consist of several individual parts, lead the viewer into diffuse, non-representational, transparently colored pictorial spaces and show numerous traces of the work process. However, they do not ‚tell‘ anything; their forms are managed without figurative representations or associations. Since 2013, Katrin König has also been using industrially manufactured PVC foils as support materials, which are mounted freely, i.e., without frames, on the walls of the exhibition spaces.

Kai Uwe Schierz


I – I – MMIX, 240 x 270 cm, Collagraphy and varnish on industrial aluminum foil, 2009

Erfurt Galerie Waidspeicher

Installation Views


Like aerial views of excavation sites, landscape fragments, like relics of prehistoric animals – rather large and inescapable, bordered by white fields, Katrin König’s carton prints come into the viewer’s field of vision.

Katrin König has found a kind of home – on detours via Rome, Pompeii, and Norway after crossing the Alps, the Apennines, and the North Sea. A search for traces, outside and inside, emerged from this something that I would call archaeo-graphic.

The technique of carton printing experienced in Rome, the specificity of the material, ultimately of organic origin, the work processes in which she has knelt down, certainly in the original sense of the word – the colors used in the tones of earth, moss, lichen on stone – have also led to an approach, to a discovery of their own structures of experience, their way of depositing, penetrating into other layers of existence.

Prof. Annette Krisper-Beslic

Text & Press

XXI – VIII – MMVI, 320 x 180 cm, Collagraphy on handmade paper, 2006